Greatly Graced - Luke 1:26-38
Six months after the announcement of the birth of John, the same angel Gabriel went to Nazareth to announce to Mary, a virgin betrothed to Joseph.
The greeting to Mary - Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you - did not only surprise her, it also perplexed her. Mary responded in a way that showed her humility and sincerity before God. She probably didn't see anything special about herself or consider herself different from other Jewish girls.
The purpose of the angel's greeting was then revealed to her. She will be the mother of the messiah and the child to be born should be named Jesus (Jehovah is Salvation). Gabriel affirmed both the deity and the humanity of Jesus. Being a son, Jesus would be human and as the Son of the Most High, Jesus would be the Son of God (Luke 1:32; cf. Isaiah 9:6)
Jesus is not just the son of Mary or the Son of God, he is also King who would inherit David's throne (2 Sam 7).
The coming of Jesus to the world is to be its Saviour and to also fulfil God's promises to Jews (Romans 15:14). Presently, Jesus is enthroned in heaven, he will one day return and his righteous kingdom on earth will be established. This will then fulfil all the promises about him.
What was Mary's response?
"How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?" (Luke 1:34)
Mary's response was an expression of faith, not doubt. We could see someone who believed the promise, however, the performance of the promise was not clear. The response of the angel that "with God nothing is impossible" calmed her fears and anxiety and she submitted to the will of God to be the vessel through which the Saviour of the world would come. Mary was graced by faith and humility.
As we look at this Christmas story, what comes to your mind as:
You reflect on this scenario of the birth of the Saviour.
You reflect on the encounter between Mary and the angel Gabriel.
You think about your faith in God. How deeply rooted in God is it? Are there things you want to do differently?
How is Luke 1:37 -For nothing is impossible with God- an encouragement for you to trust in the Lord no matter what you may be confronted with?