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Christmas Reflections - Day 17

Writer's picture: tncbcikolatncbcikola

John the Baptist: Fulfilling His Calling (Luke 3:4-6)


For about 400 years there was no prophetic voice heard in the land of Israel until the angel appeared to Zechariah in the temple to announce that his wife will give birth to John.

John the Baptist's appearance was a part of God's plan and God's timing for the appearance of Jesus Christ on the scene. John appeared around the River Jordan preaching and baptizing and also announcing the arrival of the Kingdom of heaven, calling people to repentance.

What was John's mission or what was the ministry that God gave to John. In John 1:29 he introduced Jesus Christ to the people, telling them to trust in him being the one that takes away the sin of the world. John was a lone voice crying in the wilderness. He was the promised herald of the Saviour preparing the road for the arrival of the King.

Israel at this time was living in the wilderness of sin, in the wilderness of unbelief. So John's coming was to remove the twisted spiritual perception of the Jews and direct them back to God. He rebuked them of their sins and also announced God's salvation to them.

The conviction of the people through his message brought about conversion.

John's ministry made it clear that every man has a need and what a man needs, especially spiritual need, makes him eligible for God's grace. In verse 5, he said every mountain and hill shall be made low. For the proud to be helped he must be humble. Pride keeps a man away from being saved and from being blessed. In presenting Jesus Christ, one of the things we understand is that Jesus makes the crooked path to be straight, he makes the rough ways to be smooth.

As we look at John the Baptist's ministry, where are you in your spiritual walk? Does your life point men to the Saviour?

Jesus wants to meet you where you are and he wants to change you from what you are to what you should be.

Let this Christmas season be a season of transformation in every area of your life just like the people who listen to John the Baptist had their lives transformed by the message he preached.

For Jesus came so that we become transformed to his image.

2 Cor. 3:18 -

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.


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